


Unit:  12

Topic: Changing Lifestyles

Subject: ‘’Use to’’ form

Skills: Speaking – Writing- Grammar Teaching

Duration: 15'

Level: A2

Grade: 7th Class

Age: 13

Approaches and Methods: Communicative Language Teaching


-         Question & answer

-         Demonstration

-         Repetition

-         Multiple choice

-         Fill in the blanks activities

Materials: Board, board marker, pictures, power point presentation.

Overall Objectives:

-         Knowledge of ‘’use to’’ form

-         Ability to use the form in correct situations

-         Skill in using what they have learned in some activities

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

-         Know about ‘’use to’’ form.

-         Know where they should use the ‘’use to’’ form.

-         Use what they have learned in different activities in a correct way.


                1. Warm-up and Motivation

The teacher greets her students and asks how they are. Then, she asks them whether they are interested in cars and driving cars or not. She shows them old and new model cars and asks their opinions about them.

                2. Stating the Instructional Objectives

            The teacher says, ‘’People used old fashioned cars in the past, but now they drive newer and nicer cars. Today, we are going to talk about changing lifestyles and learn the ‘’use to’’ form.

                 3. Presenting the Instructional Objectives

            In this stage, the teacher shows students a power point presentation in which they can see how people lifestyles have changed during the years. She talks about the past and now. Then, she draws a chart on the board and writes some phrases indicating lifestyles in the past and in today. After that, she sticks some pictures from the slide on the board and writes positive and negative forms of ‘’use to’’. She wants her students to repeat some sentences after her.

                 4. Role of the teacher: Monitor, facilitator, organizer of the activities.

                 5. Role of the students: Active participants, listeners, performers.


At practice stage, students are expected to do the activities on the activity paper. In the first activity, they try to choose and underline the correct forms in the sentences. In the second activity, they do open the brackets exercise. They fill in the blanks by using ‘’use to or did not use to’’ forms and the given words.


At this stage, the teacher wants students to write about their own childhood. She writes some phrases on the board which is about childhood activities. Students are supposed to write a few sentences beginning with, ‘’When I was a child…’’. They choose some phrases from the board and they form sentences by using ‘’use to’’ and ‘’did not use to’’ forms.


        Finally, the teacher summarizes what they have done during the lesson with a few sentences and she ends the lesson.


Exercises on the activity paper are adapted by the candidate teacher from;

-         http://www.englishpage.com

-         www.ekolayingilizce.com

-         http://www.englishexercises.org